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Showing posts from December, 2011

Merry Christmas

For unto thee a child was born, For unto us he was given, For us and by us he was crucified but for a purpose he rose again:)His eternal love still captures us in its grasp:)n cause he still loves v celebrate wit love..HIS BIRTH:)MERRY CHRISTMAS:)

Christmas:)A season of joy

Years pass n ppl change;But Celebrations still remain; Well!!the true meaning of celebrations?? Do we know,do we still smell its essence?? Hold back a moment;Lets Taste the flavour of christmas, Bathe in its spirit;And Spread the messiah's love with vigour. Behold the winter's snow, Freely floating onto the earth, Light as it is,let our worries be, Flying away in swift.   Christmas this year be unlike the rest,Come on.. Put on the santa's dress, Lets make merry while we go, Through the streets of love, joy n peace, Jingling all the way:)
The worlds' a stage, To express yourself;Its an Arena  which u can drape, With blood and honey, For its you, who tread.. The worlds' your stage, but its so for all, There will be bunnies that smile, And goons tat scare, To chase you off from where you belong.    The world's stage, Can make you a victim of its play, For at times it makes u jump with joy, But yet how often u flood it with tears!! Everytime you feel tat u don't belong; REMEMBER!! There are still bunnies at play!!!