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             This is my first book review and i really thank Author K-Trina Meador for giving me an opportunity to review her book. So here is my take on K Meador's first novel ' Journey to Freedom'.
 Journey to Freedom is a beautiful book based through the nineteenth century which brings about the fight and struggle once faced by the slaves in America. The delicate issues being dealt with in the book is still evident in some countries making it an even more interesting book to read . The book brings out the feelings of a person under bondage. Love, family, patriotism towards the country and God's protection through it all. The way the true meaning of freedom is brought about is the highlight of the book.

            Greggory and Marissa run away slaves, meet while on their journey to freedom. While love blossoms circumstances separate them. On their individual journey they meet people who like them were running away from their masters to a city which would offer them a life of their own. The misadventures of individuals unite them into a family. A few good souls provide their harbor seeing them to the lives they dream of. The story leads into a backdrop of the civil war impending the nation. A real time description of a war will immensely interest and keep the reader on the edge. 

            The journey to freedom is an experience with twists and turns making the reader connect to the many unexplained expressions we often face in our lives. The book on the whole is a really good read and at the end of the book it helps you analyse life from a broad perspective. 

 About the Author:

Born in Jacksonville, Florida and raised in Texas since age four, K-Trina Meador is the youngest of five children. Growing up in Cross Plains, Texas and being raised on a seventy-acre farm gave her an appreciation for country life and the small town community. She currently works full time as an aircraft mechanic/avionics technician. She has two sons who are actively pursuing their busy lives as adults.
Becoming a successful author is a dream that she has held close to her heart for many years. Taking her first novel, Journey to Freedom, from computer to ink has been that long road of struggle that so many authors are familiar with. Now that the novel is in print, she is humbled by the many responses from those who have already read Journey to Freedom.
K-Trina's message to you, the very imortant person who is reading this right now is this... "Whatever is the dream in your heart, giving up is not an option." K. Meador writes book reviews for The Examiner and is an amazon Top rated reviewer. Her upcoming novels are The Inner Chamber and Impact.

If you are fed up reading the over rated fictions and is waiting for a book with a genuine taste of reality this is the book you should get hold of.

Follow the link to purchase the paper back version:

K meador's official face book page

K meador's official Website

K meador's blog


Anonymous said…
Lovely review ... I've read Journey to Freedom and share your views ... fabulous book ... kudos for author K Meador n x
Johnny said…
thank you Ngaire Elder:)n ya:)kudos to K meador:)

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